
Just another Edublogs site

Week 2 Assignment- Review of Classmate’s Resource

on July 13, 2021

From viewing a fellow EDUC6115 classmate’s blog post, I found a great resource in the form of a blog by Dr. Caitlin Tucker. Tucker’s blog is unique because it shares a wealth of blog posts that contain useful and practical strategies for online and blended learning. Blended learning is the happy medium between face-to-face learning and online teaching (Heliporn, Lakhal, & Belisle, 2021). Blended learning has been linked to higher student engagement because of its multifaceted construct (Heliporn, Lakhal, & Belisle, 2021). Tucker’s focus for this blog is resources, podcasts, interviews, and books pertaining mainly to online learning and blended learning. One video posted by Tucker speaks to me about using Google Apps in the classroom. Additionally, Tucker has posted a fair amount of articles and blog posts about universally designed blended learning strategies for the classroom. Tucker’s blog is significant to me because as a teacher, I am looking for practical strategies, tips and tricks, and expert knowledge that I can use to design my lessons and implement them in the classroom. I appreciate the content on this blog that combines blog posts, podcasts, and videos. As a busy professional, it is nice to be able to listen to relevant content when I am away from my computer or classroom. When a blog contains both print and digital content, I think it speaks to a larger audience and allows for a greater variety of topics to be covered as well. Overall, this blog speaks to me right now because I am a classroom teacher and I am always looking for ways to improve my instruction and instructional design to meet my students’ needs. This blog has relevant content for teachers looking to do the same.
All things blended and online learning. (n.d.). Dr. Caitlin R. Tucker. Retrieved from
Heilporn, G., Lakhal, S., & Bélisle, M. (2021). An examination of teachers’ strategies to foster student engagement in blended learning in higher education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(1), 1–25.

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